Items filtered by date: December 2019

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Is EPAT Therapy Effective for Fallen Arches?

It is believed that four out of five people usually develop foot problems throughout their lifetime. They also basically suffer from fallen arch pain in their feet. This brings them discomfort and pain. Good news, as the EPAT Shockwave Therapy is truly effective for fallen arches.

As this mainly utilizes the art medical equipment, expect that the procedure is performed successfully. This is also considered to be a non-invasive treatment procedure for the pain. Other clinics make use of computerized gait scan in fabricating the most customized treatment possible.

The best thing about EPAT Therapy is that it has its proven success rates that are greater than that of the conventional treatment methods. There are no certain risks that need to be faced throughout the treatment procedure. This is by far the most effective in the treatment of fallen arches including other conditions such as the chronic proximal plantar fasciitis.

The treatment session is usually conducted at a weekly interval. This is also conducted for almost fifteen minutes for every foot. This still depends on the severity of the condition. Another important point to consider about this treatment is that it brings out its many advantages that include of no infection at the treatment site. There will also be no scar formation and there is no such thing as anesthesia that is being required.

As this mainly allows you to walk at the soonest possible time, you can go back to your daily activities in just twenty-four or forty-eight hours. A lot of patients also reported their coming back to strenuous activities after four weeks. Even the costs that result from a lost job are also reduced. As discussed above, this is an effective, safe and fast procedure to ever go through than those traditional procedures out there.

In fact, millions of patients have discovered and reported no pain or less pain right after the EPAT treatment. This effectively works as the shock waves are emitted through the injured or affected area by means of a hand held applicator. Afterwards, the shock waves penetrate deeply into the softer tissues. These further stimulate the blood flow and accelerate the natural healing process of the body.

In general, four treatments are needed for four weeks. Each of the treatment sessions lasts for about fifteen minutes. Although it was already cited above, it matters understanding the benefits of EPAT. There is no need to make use of an anesthesia and there is no need to get worried of the side effects.

What more to ask for? There is no need to stay inside the hospital and expect for a faster healing process. EPAT THERAPY in Long Beach is entirely focused on offering this treatment procedure for fallen arch pain in the foot. If there are still hesitations on your mind, there is no need to consider them. Better yet, feel free to contact us at for a free consultation and see the wonders in the end!

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

FDA Approves New Device for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are around 29 million US patients who are diagnosed with diabetes – the risk of diabetic foot ulcer is now extremely dangerous. However, a new device was created that could save many people’s lives. Such chronic diabetic foot ulcers are linked with the bone and tissue infections that result for about 50,000 cases of amputations every year.

Few days ago, the UD Food and Drug Administration or FDA has approved the (Integra Omnigraft Dermal Regeneration Matrix) or simply called as Omnigraft to cure individual who have diabetic foot ulcers. Basically, the device was made out of silicone, shark cartilage and cow collagen, which is an advanced skin-substitution three-dimensional porous matrix that is crafted to present fast closure of the wound as well as lifetime regeneration of the dermis. In addition, it is situated in direct contact along with the removed wound and plays its role as a scaffold for the migration of cell, enabling for regeneration of the derma layer of the skin of the patient.

Furthermore, the approval for the medication of some diabetic foot ulcers last for more than 6 weeks, which do not include exposure of the joint capsule, bone, tendon, in relation with the basic care of diabetic ulcer. On the contrary, the FDA recently certified the item in few years ago for the medication of life-threatening burn injuries by the time skin of the patients is not available for a graft back on 2002 for usage in reconstructive surgery especially, for burn scars under the same conditions.

The approval is sourced on a 16-week randomized, multicenter, controlled, group of clinical trial called as the Foot Ulcer New Dermal Replacement or also known as FOUNDER Study. It was conducted beneath an investigational tool in that Omnigraft was placed to standard diabetic foot ulcers that involve the bandaging and cleaning of the wound as well as the off-loading of the affected foot.

All the results were made public on November and demonstrated that out of 154 patients assigned to receive also Omnigraft against the 153 who receive standard of care. The device generated healing in 51% against 32% of ulcers later than 16 weeks, together with 59% improvements on the occurrence of complete would closure with the use of device compared to the normal care. Adverse scenarios in the test involved increased pain, infections, nausea, swelling as well as new deteriorating ulcers.

The United States Food and Drug Administration stresses out that the Omnigraft must not be utilized in patients that has allergies to chondroitin or cartilage coming from any source as well as to bovine collagen. It must not also be utilized on infected wounds. The investigators of FOUNDERS presumed that for the certain the medication of chronic diabetic foot ulcers, Omnigraft really lessen the period to complete the closure of wound, enhanced components of quality of life of an individual, increased the number of wound closure and had a lesser adverse case compared to the normal care medication. Thus, the device could extremely improve the medication of non-healing such illness.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Help Your Feet Be Healthy & Strong In 2016

It is very simple to take our feet for granted. Since our feet are just there, placing with host of challenges, from being wedged into those high heels and at the same time elevated to unusual heights to suffocating inside those sweaty socks or maybe tight nylon pantyhose.

While those feet are suffering from indignities, it takes hundreds of force impact during an average day of spending your time walking. This pounding explains why our feet are the parts of our body that most likely to injured.
Healthy Strong Feet in 2016

In order to have healthy strong feet, you don’t need a classy spa treatment to take care of it. Spending some of your time each day on doing foot care and picking the right shoes could keep you feet free from problems that might lead to disability and pain. Following are some ideas that will aid you to keep good and stronger feet this 2016:

The first way to in order to have a healthy strong feet is if you want to soak your feet, ignore those Epsom Salt since they are too drying and it doesn’t present any medical advantages. As an option, make use of warm water and a bit of liquid soap like dishwashing lotions that contains skin softeners.

As much as possible, moisturize your feet upon washing. Throughout dry-skin winter seasons, you might want to moisturize sometimes every day. There is no need for something fancy, what you just need is some creams and lotions.

Make much of to wash your feet as well as between your toes with the use of washcloth regularly and thoroughly. Of course, that denotes spending your time over the shower and soaps them up. On the other hand, if you can’t balance carefully, then make use of long-handled shower brush or perhaps you can sit on a chair outside your tub while washing your feet underneath the faucets. This kind of wash and dry process decreases problems like athletes foot, bacteria, odor, and fungus that will later on lead to healthy strong feet.

Another way to maintain healthy strong feet is to change the shoes you wear every day. That may denote acquiring two pairs of your preferred everyday style; however, shoes also need time to air out and prevent triggering infections and foot odor. You must change you stockings and socks twice a day if possible. If you have experience smelly feet, then you can soak them in a mixture of water and vinegar.

Your feet must not hurt. Bear in mind that tight shoes could worsen bunions, deform toe shape and might lead to painful foot growths. In order to keep healthy feet and at the same time to safeguard from shortening your Achilles tendon, you must alternate the heights of your heels accordingly.

You lift to build strength, you run to increase your heart rate and stretch in order to keep flexible. However, chances are you are forgetting some of the most basic muscles into your body those in your feet. In order to get a wonderful and healthy strong feet this year, following this helpful tips is never been hard.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

3 Simple Tips to Improve Foot Arthritis

3-tips-for-foot-arthritisOne of the debilitating health problems that seniors and even young people have to bear is foot arthritis. The pain and discomfort of foot arthritis simply hinders people leading quality life. Fortunately, there is a foot arthritis doctor in Long Beach who can very help you in dealing with this problem.

Headed by an expert podiatrist, the center specializes in diagnosis, treatment as well as in the prevention of a wide range foot and ankle disorders, including foot arthritis. On that note, Dr. Pedram Aslmand, the foot arthritis doctor of Long Beach is here to provide you with valuable simple tips in order to improve your foot arthritis and help you lead you a more quality life away from pain and discomfort.

Here are 3 simple tips from Advanced Foot & Ankle Center’s expert foot arthritis doctor Long Beach for you:

Manage Your Weight to Ease the Strain

One of the factors that can add to the agony of foot arthritis is your weight. Your lower body supports your whole body and your foot takes the most brunt of your weight each time you walk. Now, if you have foot arthritis that makes it all the more painful if you have extra weight that puts more pressure on the joints on your feet. In that sense, it can very well help ease the pain to reduce your weight in order to reduce the stress on your joints. When you do, it can effectively result in reduced pain and improved mobility.

Get More Exercise to Maintain Joint Flexibility

Apart from losing weight, getting more exercise can help in maintaining your joints’ flexibility. As for the exercises, better stay away from weight-bearing exercises such as running as it will do more damage than good. Instead, choose exercises that are low-impact and will not strain your leg, hips and feet such as swimming or perhaps water aerobics. With sports and exercises, you can very well flex your joints without putting added stress on it.

Hot and Cold Therapy Can Make a Difference

Hot and cold therapy is one of the most effective home remedies you can do in order to ease the pain of foot arthritis. A foot arthritis doctor in Long Beach advises long, warm baths in the morning can help when it comes to the stiffness of your joints. Use of eating pads is helpful as well for loosening your feet’s joints. On the other hand, cold presses can help as quick relief for your foot pain. All you need to do is apply an ice pack or anything frozen wrapped in towel on your aching feet.

These are simple tips that can help for quick and long term improvement of your foot arthritis. While these tips can be done at home, you still have to see a specialist in order to make sure of the condition of your foot arthritis. Only foot arthritis doctors can help ascertain of your overall health and that is what Dr. Pedram Aslmand, your trusted foot arthritis doctor in Long Beach, provides you.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Treatment Options for Haglund’s Deformity

Haglund’s deformity, or pump bump or sometimes Bauer bump, is a condition where there is a bony development that forms at the rear side of one’s heel. In the end, this condition can lead to retrocalcaneal bursitis. If the retrocalcaneal bursitis is rubbed against any kind of footwear, this can be irritated and quite painful.

This condition has been known as “pump bump” because it typically occurs in pump-style shoes which women often wear. It is said that the inflexible backs of these shoes creates pressure which irritates the heel and causes the bump. As such, women who use heels are those who are most common victims of Haglund deformity.

Fortunately, there are varying treatments with this condition with the help of Haglund Deformity Doctor in Long Beach. With the direction of Dr. Pedram Aslmand, an expert in foot and ankle disorders, you have a good number of choices for treatment options when it comes to Haglund’s deformity. On that note, here is a brief description of the treatment options you can have:

Non-Surgical Options

In Haglund’s deformity, the main focus of treatment is by relieving the pain, and taking the pressure on the heel bone. On that note, here some of your options in treating it without surgery:

wearing of shoes that does not put pressure at the back of the heel
applying ice on the bump to reduce the swelling
taking anti-inflammatory drugs that are not non-steroidal
changing your physical activities such as running hard on surface can help
getting soft tissue massage
use heel pads to reduce pressure
calf stretches to reduce the tension on your Achilles tendon

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy and ultrasound can also be used in order to treat Huglund deformity. With regular therapy, the inflammation associated with bursitis can be reduced at least little by little. This option is best when combined with other treatment options for Haglund’s deformity. This way, you can expect much better result with relieving the pain, and reducing bone swelling from your heel.

Surgery and Injections

Surgery is one of the options that Haglund deformity doctor in Long Beach can offer you. This option is advisable if less invasive options do not work in helping with the condition. In the surgery option, the Hugland’s deformity doctor will remove the excess bone from the heel. In some cases, the bone is not removed and simply smoothed or filed down. With this option, the pressure on the soft tissue and heel is reduced.

Of all the treatment options you can do for Hugland’s deformity, the surgery is the most effective although the fact that it is invasive has its risks. But, rest assured that with the help on a Hugland deformity doctor from Long Beach, you can have the best treatment options to improve the condition of your Hungland’s deformity. Dr. Pedram Aslmand is an expert on all kinds of foot and ankle disorders and his expertise will allow you to take advantage of most comprehensive care available in Long Beach.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Baseball Injury Treatments for the Foot and Ankle

Baseball injury treatments for the foot and ankleAnkle sprain is a joint grievance in baseball players because they are continually moving, with brisk and stop actions. The brisk motions, colliding with other baseball players, sliding into the bases could lead to an ankle sprain. Baseball ankle sprain injury happens when there’s a tear or stress in your ankle ligaments. The most popular ligament which is affected is anterior talofibular that links the ankle bone to the lower leg bone. Other damage that might happen takes account of a fracture or comprehensive falling off a ligament.
Baseball Ankle Sprain Injury Alert

A major league baseball player last season who experienced from this kind of injury is Jose Reyes, a Toronto Blue Jays shortstop, now with the Colorado Rockies. Jose twisted his ankle after he clumsily slid into second base while stealing. These injuries can also occur when two players collide, or even when taking a swing at home plate and turning or rolling your ankle.
Things to Do Once Your Experience Baseball Ankle Sprain Injury

It is critical to look out of your ankle sprain when possible after it happens to make sure a fast recovery as well as less time off the game.
It is being broadly accepted that a baseball ankle sprains injury heals gradually. With the typical treatment called as R.I.C.E or Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation it normally takes 1-2 months.
A lot of baseball players do not have 4 to 8 weeks to lay around waiting for their injury to heal itself. Not just that, the ankle could not heal itself very well that leaved you at risk for further sprains. It is tedious and slow course of action, and does not address the strengthening of the ankle as well as its stability.
Weakened ankle is prone to more injuries and could even lead to additional issues all through your body like back and leg injuries. As a matter of fact, recurring ankle sprain injuries could need surgical intervention. Therefore, it is critical not just to heal the injury but to also strengthen the ligaments and tendons of the ankle.

Treat Baseball Ankle Sprain Injury the Faster Way

Through development in sports medicine, now it is possible to cure an ankle sprain fast and safely, at the same time strengthening your ankle. Healing an injured ankle could take days rather than weeks, with the additional advantage of stronger ankles.

E.M Ankle rehab was made for so many years of study and practical application and has proven to essential lessen healing period to approximately 3-7 days. It doesn’t if you are world class sportsmen or just an amateur one. This approach is proven to give results in less time than typical ankle sprain injury treatments.
Another essential component of this treatment is the fact that enhances ability, strength as well as healthy range of action in your ankles.

Advantages of H.E.M

Heal sprained ankle in just a matter of week
Fixes neuromuscular damage
Removes scar tissue
Offers proactive method to strengthening weak ankles
Assist preventive recurrence of ankle sprain
Enhances overall movement as well as athletic performance
Minimizes the risk of ankle sprain and no need for wraps, tape and ankle braces.

Schedule an appointment at our office to consult with Dr. Pedram Aslmand regarding your foot & ankle injury sustained while playing baseball.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

What to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery

What to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery Prior to knowing what hammertoe surgery is and what to expect after, it is still essential to know more about hammertoe. Actually, hammertoe takes place when the toes are twisted due to bending in the mid-point to a rotated or contracted toe.

It usually occurs as the tendons on the bottom and at the top of the toes become extreme. If the toes are twisted in this way, the outcome will often be seen in its hammer form. This is as the name suggests. Even biomechanical concerns in your feet may only cause imbalance of the tendon.

Hammertoe surgery is still believed to be the best treatment when you experience a severe hammertoe. There are two kinds of hammertoes: a rigid hammertoe and a flexible hammertoe.

Flexible hammertoe is less serious as it can later be diagnosed and cured while still at its growth stage. This is still manageable at the joint. But with rigid hammertoe, this is even a more serious issue. This can be most observed to patients who have serious arthritis. With this kind of hammertoe, the tendons have fit more closely. And, the joint have been titled. And thus, immobile making surgery is the best cure to consider.

There are lots of surgical options that mainly depend on the extent and location of the problem. The first choice is arthroplasty. A part of your joint is best eliminated and even your toe is straightened. Fusion is another surgical option wherein the cartilage between the 2 toe bones is eliminated. The bone is also fused to make an even longer bone. There should also be an implant to place in your toe. With this kind of surgery, a part of your bone is eliminated and replaced with an implant.
Things to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery

After surgery, patient can still expect feeling the stiffness, swelling and limited mobility. For some patients, it could take as long as eight to twelve weeks to walk again. Some are already able to walk right after the surgery.

According to an expert surgeon, the guides and instructions after the surgery will vary. Therefore, follow all of the instructions of an attending surgeon. A usual recommendation mainly involves the limitation of weight bearing for twenty four hours after hammertoe surgery. One should also take some support for two to four weeks. There must also be the right footwear to use. Trainings or exercises help enhance the strength in your foot and toe muscles.
The Risks of Hammertoe Surgery

Just like with any other form of surgery, there might be a risk of infection after undergoing a hammertoe surgery. The toe might get inflamed for a long time right after the surgery. Numbness, nerve injury, restricted range of motion and an extended period of pain may occur. There is no assurance that the surgery will work in each case and the malformation could return.

Nevertheless, the hammertoe surgery is still considered to be the most successful procedure for surgeons at this point in time. More than 300,000 hammertoe surgeries are done every year with only a few minor complications. A lot of patients can also resume their daily activities.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Achilles Tendonitis Exercises To Avoid Doing

pInjuryIt is common for athletes, professionals and amateurs, to experience injury in tendons. One example of which is the “Achilles Tendonitis”. Specifically, Achilles tendon categorized as one of the tendons that are longer in our body. From our heel’s bone, it stretches to our calf muscles. A band of tissue that is springy and we feel it at our ankle’s back and directly above our heel. This allows our foot to extend and our toes to point the ground. Many exercises are applicable to aid Achilles tendonitis. On the other hand, there are also Achilles tendonitis exercises to avoid for some reasons.

Tendinitis is the cause why many injuries involving the Achilles tendon are happening. It makes the tendon aching and swollen. Likewise, using a very strong force to the tendon might cause partial or complete damage. These are common to the persons who are involved and active in sports like gymnastics, soccer, basketball, tennis, running, softball, baseball, and others. If you are already, feeling pain along the back of your foot and above your heel when you are trying to stand on your toes or even when you stretch your ankle, swelling, and it is hard to flex your foot. Those are some of the symptoms of that injury. Exercises might help to treat it, although there are some that we need to avoid.

In curing an Achilles tendonitis, seeking a professional doctor and doing proper regular exercise and treatment will help. Always make sure that you are doing the right Achilles exercise. Since Achilles tendon is one of the main power generator when doing push off, we can notice that as the joint of the ankles stride it goes in an extensive motion. Then, the Achilles transfers the force and this is thrice the weight of your body. Moreover, as you started to run faster, possibility of more strain will be on the Achilles tendon.

Stop exercising without proper warm up. Avoid doing exercises, as running using an improper form for it will stress the tendon excessively. In addition, avoiding the ones that are risky and contraindicated is good. Many of the exercises might harm you instead of helping you if done improperly. Do not do exercises repeatedly for it will strain your tendon; just do the needed at a single routine. Do not do activities or sports that are vigorous depending on your strength.

Achilles tendonitis exercises to avoid are those that are not suitable and improper in treating an Achilles tendonitis. Practicing exercises that are eccentric are a good idea. It includes heel dropping (known as gastrocnemius) horizontally and in a slow manner. It is an ankle exercise done by standing using only one foot in a step position and the heel is raising. Gradually lower down the heel and keep your leg straight until your foot becomes parallel to the floor. Start the push up using the uninjured leg to support and repeat. Do this every day for twelve consecutive weeks, twice a day performing 3 x 15 of repetitions. Another is the heel drop known as soleus, wherein you will be standing using only one leg on a step position but this time you will bent the keen you want to exercise into 45 degrees. In the span of 12 weeks, do this twice a day containing 3 x 15 repetitions.

Refrain from doing Achilles tendonitis exercises that are not that effective. As an alternative, Use those two basic exercises. That will help increase the volume of your tendon will boost your collagen production. Stop from exercising without proper guidelines coming from professionals to keep away from Achilles tendonitis. Learn to control your use of force.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Are Crocs Bad For Your Feet?


Crocs first came out the market back in 2002. They are rubber clogs that act as boater-floaters which has now sold over 300 million pairs in about 90 countries. A lot of people have tried a pair of Crocs – some love them, some hate them – but it sure is here to stay.

One of the reasons why people love Crocs is that they are comfortable to wear and convenient to slip on and off. With the floatability and rubbery attributes of Crocs, people cannot help but find it real comfortable to the feet. Crocs are also practical for wear, especially when you have to step in somewhere or something, which can be difficult to clean off your sneakers. Simply rinse or wipe off Crocs and they look good as new.

With these rubber clogs, you simply have to hose it or wipe it off and the dirt is gone without so much effort. It is pretty convenient which is why it’s not so surprising that a lot of people begun wearing them. But, there are some people who say otherwise and claim that Crocs are bad for your feet. The question then is “why are Crocs bad for your feet?”
Are Crocs Really Bad for Your Feet?

The answer would be yes. While a lot of people clearly remark that Crocs are comfortable, experts claim that Crocs don’t provide enough support while at the same time risks ankle injuries as well. In fact, a lot of podiatrists – the actual doctors – are not exactly a fan of Crocs. They say that Crocs are not exactly suitable for every-day use.

This rubber clogs do provide you with good arch support, but they do not offer you with enough heel support for a longer period of time. If that is the case, then wearing Crocs for longer periods of time can eventually lead to calluses, nail problems, tendinitis and other problems. This problem is just the same as when you use flip flops wherein the heel is not really secured.

That makes doctors not quite a fan of using Crocs even when a lot of people claim they are comfortable for use. According to experts, the most important part of a shoe is the shank – the structure between the toe and heel which gives it support. People who continuously use slippers that do not have a shank are likely to have foot pain.
Who Are Best to Wear Crocs?

Crocs aren’t advised to be used every day but this does not mean that you shouldn’t wear them at all. In fact, Crocs are ideal for use to some people, such as those people with very high arch and those who are suffering with excessive edema to their ankle and legs. But in any other circumstances, Crocs are best used for trips to the beach or pool.

It is not for the best to use them for 10 hours a day or for long walks. In that case, if you are planning on having a walk wearing a Croc, it is wise to use it in intervals. This way, you can rest your feet and avoid getting your ankle injured. So when you’re asked, “Are Crocs bad for your feet?”, just tell that they aren’t ideal for everyday use.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

3 Summer Shoe Styles That Can Cause Injuries


3 Summer Shoe Styles That Can Cause InjuriesWhen it is summer, it’s almost synonymous to beach and fun. During this time, people are all busy planning for a summer vacation by the beach, which means that you have to set aside your shoes and boots this time around. This season is the time to wear appropriate slippers like flip flops and sandals as you can see the people around you doing.
3 Summer Shoe Styles That Can Cause Injuries

Sandals and flip flops are the norm during summer but it is important to know that not all summer shoes are equal or ideal. There are actually summer shoes that while great looking can actually cause injuries. That makes it important for you to learn more about the different shoes that can cause injuries and be able to choose the right shoes for you.

On that note, here are 3 summer shoe styles you should know that puts you at risk with foot injuries. Read on and find out why these summer shoe styles are likely to cause you injuries. This way, you can choose which styles of shoes are better for you or at least learn how you can prevent getting injuries while wearing these shoes.

Peep-Toes, Mules and Similar Styles

Any shoe styles that lets your foot to slide out of place and makes you grip to the shoe with your toes is a risk. These kinds of shoe put you at risk with hammertoe which is a condition where the toe-joint become abnormally bent. To prevent this from happening, better choose the kind of shoes with enough straps to secure your foot, back and front.

Flip Flops

Of all the summer shoes that can cause injuries, the flip flops are considered the worst offenders. With flip flops, it is easy for your foot to slip out of place which could likely cause ankle sprain. At the same time, flip flops don’t offer enough support or cushioning for the heel, which can cause plantar fasciitis. There’s just a lot of risk for injuries when it comes to flip flops.

Wedge Shoes

One of the summer shoe styles that could cause injuries is the wedge styled shoes. The biggest hazard to this is the side-to-side instability. With that, it is easy for you to lose your balance in wedge shoes and then twist your ankle resulting to sprain. Aside from that, wearing wedges shifts your weight forward to the ball of your foot. When that happens, you are at risk to foot inflammation and mid-foot pain. In some cases, because they are usually of high heels, these shoes can cause fracture.

These are three of the common summer shoe styles that are known to cause injuries. Wearing are likely to put you at risk in injuries, some mild but others can be relatively serious.

When using these types of shoes, it is best to exercise caution or at least don’t wear them for the whole day. It is best to wear the kind of shoes that you’re most comfortable with and will not put you at risk to injuries.

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