Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

What to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery

What to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery Prior to knowing what hammertoe surgery is and what to expect after, it is still essential to know more about hammertoe. Actually, hammertoe takes place when the toes are twisted due to bending in the mid-point to a rotated or contracted toe.

It usually occurs as the tendons on the bottom and at the top of the toes become extreme. If the toes are twisted in this way, the outcome will often be seen in its hammer form. This is as the name suggests. Even biomechanical concerns in your feet may only cause imbalance of the tendon.

Hammertoe surgery is still believed to be the best treatment when you experience a severe hammertoe. There are two kinds of hammertoes: a rigid hammertoe and a flexible hammertoe.

Flexible hammertoe is less serious as it can later be diagnosed and cured while still at its growth stage. This is still manageable at the joint. But with rigid hammertoe, this is even a more serious issue. This can be most observed to patients who have serious arthritis. With this kind of hammertoe, the tendons have fit more closely. And, the joint have been titled. And thus, immobile making surgery is the best cure to consider.

There are lots of surgical options that mainly depend on the extent and location of the problem. The first choice is arthroplasty. A part of your joint is best eliminated and even your toe is straightened. Fusion is another surgical option wherein the cartilage between the 2 toe bones is eliminated. The bone is also fused to make an even longer bone. There should also be an implant to place in your toe. With this kind of surgery, a part of your bone is eliminated and replaced with an implant.
Things to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery

After surgery, patient can still expect feeling the stiffness, swelling and limited mobility. For some patients, it could take as long as eight to twelve weeks to walk again. Some are already able to walk right after the surgery.

According to an expert surgeon, the guides and instructions after the surgery will vary. Therefore, follow all of the instructions of an attending surgeon. A usual recommendation mainly involves the limitation of weight bearing for twenty four hours after hammertoe surgery. One should also take some support for two to four weeks. There must also be the right footwear to use. Trainings or exercises help enhance the strength in your foot and toe muscles.
The Risks of Hammertoe Surgery

Just like with any other form of surgery, there might be a risk of infection after undergoing a hammertoe surgery. The toe might get inflamed for a long time right after the surgery. Numbness, nerve injury, restricted range of motion and an extended period of pain may occur. There is no assurance that the surgery will work in each case and the malformation could return.

Nevertheless, the hammertoe surgery is still considered to be the most successful procedure for surgeons at this point in time. More than 300,000 hammertoe surgeries are done every year with only a few minor complications. A lot of patients can also resume their daily activities.

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