Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Why Do My Feet & Ankles Swell When It Rains


Why Do My Feet & Ankles Swell When It RainsIt is quite usual for people to complain that they got swollen feet during hot, sunny seasons. But, did you know that same thing can happen even when the weather is cold? When it rains, there are people who experience pain and discomfort caused by swelling of their feet and ankles while it rains. Many people do not understand the logic at the back of this and if you are one of those people who would like to know the reason behind this then please read on to learn more about swollen ankles from rain.

So why do my feet & ankles swell when it rains? Water retention or edema gets worse during the rainy and winter seasons and that is because of seasonality of an essential nutrient, known as the vitamin D. Exposure to sun in the middle of the day leads to generation of vitamin D in your skin and that is carried out through UV-B or ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin raises your metabolic rate in a lot of ways and poor metabolic rate is almost a general cause of edema. So when your body is not getting enough amounts of this vitamin, you can expect swelling of your feet and ankles to happen someday.
Feet & Ankles Swell When It Rains

Vitamin D deficiency is also compromising calcium utilization and it is promoting tissue calcification. The calcification on the case of blood vessels can make them stiff which leads to hardening of arteries. Coupled with magnesium deficiency, the impact on the circulation and metabolic rate has been amplified. One of the possible complications is hypertension or high blood pressure.

This particular seasonal effect doesn’t take place in the tropics and the problem can be more complex in case of extreme latitudes. The temperature can also affect this because when the weather is cold, you’re more likely choose to stay inside and if you go out, you wore more clothing than the usual, which means your body will not get vitamin D. Therefore, you suffer from edema.

The issues associated with temperature come with non-D mechanism. The metabolic rate is low in those cold tissues. Thus, when peripheral circulation has been constricted then there will be advanced edema. You can easily determine it through putting your hand to your chest. When your hand feels extremely cold to your chest, you’ll find that your hands are cold while your peripheral circulation has been restricted.

Winter is likewise the season for changed eating habits. Alcohol and sugar are both proven effective when it comes to suppressing the fat-burning pathways of energy and stimulate the fat-storing systems. It may also aggravate the carb cravings that prolong the cycle. The weather may likewise be related with changed exercise habits.

Edema or swelling is likewise related with tissue puffiness underneath your eyes, snoring when sleeping and in case of serious cases, the patient may experience apnea. Though it is very typical, edema isn’t a trivial health concern. This is an indication of something that is deeply erroneous with your health’s balance. These are the most important facts that you must learn about edema and why it happens during the rainy season.

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