Wednesday, 11 December 2019 17:06

Is EPAT Therapy Effective for Fallen Arches?

It is believed that four out of five people usually develop foot problems throughout their lifetime. They also basically suffer from fallen arch pain in their feet. This brings them discomfort and pain. Good news, as the EPAT Shockwave Therapy is truly effective for fallen arches.

As this mainly utilizes the art medical equipment, expect that the procedure is performed successfully. This is also considered to be a non-invasive treatment procedure for the pain. Other clinics make use of computerized gait scan in fabricating the most customized treatment possible.

The best thing about EPAT Therapy is that it has its proven success rates that are greater than that of the conventional treatment methods. There are no certain risks that need to be faced throughout the treatment procedure. This is by far the most effective in the treatment of fallen arches including other conditions such as the chronic proximal plantar fasciitis.

The treatment session is usually conducted at a weekly interval. This is also conducted for almost fifteen minutes for every foot. This still depends on the severity of the condition. Another important point to consider about this treatment is that it brings out its many advantages that include of no infection at the treatment site. There will also be no scar formation and there is no such thing as anesthesia that is being required.

As this mainly allows you to walk at the soonest possible time, you can go back to your daily activities in just twenty-four or forty-eight hours. A lot of patients also reported their coming back to strenuous activities after four weeks. Even the costs that result from a lost job are also reduced. As discussed above, this is an effective, safe and fast procedure to ever go through than those traditional procedures out there.

In fact, millions of patients have discovered and reported no pain or less pain right after the EPAT treatment. This effectively works as the shock waves are emitted through the injured or affected area by means of a hand held applicator. Afterwards, the shock waves penetrate deeply into the softer tissues. These further stimulate the blood flow and accelerate the natural healing process of the body.

In general, four treatments are needed for four weeks. Each of the treatment sessions lasts for about fifteen minutes. Although it was already cited above, it matters understanding the benefits of EPAT. There is no need to make use of an anesthesia and there is no need to get worried of the side effects.

What more to ask for? There is no need to stay inside the hospital and expect for a faster healing process. EPAT THERAPY in Long Beach is entirely focused on offering this treatment procedure for fallen arch pain in the foot. If there are still hesitations on your mind, there is no need to consider them. Better yet, feel free to contact us at for a free consultation and see the wonders in the end!

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