Thursday, 29 October 2020 04:01

COVID-19 Toes Are Real And Here’s How You Can Identify Them

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here has been a slew of coronavirus information circulating the internet. One of the most common things to see is information relating to the symptoms of COVID-19.

What Exactly Are “COVID Toes”
And that is not surprising. As more research is done, the medical field is learning more and more about how coronavirus manifests itself.

One of the most shocking things is the one can be infected and only see one minor symptom, such as a stomach ache, or, recently discovered, something called, “COVID toes”.

That’s right. Dr. Esther Freeman, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, first diagnosed this skin condition as a symptom of coronavirus. The skin becomes a red or purple discoloration and may become raised or develop ulcerations. This not only appears on the feet but may affect the hands as well.

“Other skin symptoms have been shown to manifest in COVID-19 positive patients, but this seems to be “COVID-specific,” Dr. Lindy Fox, professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco, explains.

Possible symptoms of “COVID toes”

  • Skin that is hot, burning, or itchy.
  • “Purple, red bumps/discoloration” on the tips of digits and pads, or on the tops of toes or sides of feet.
  • Irritated, or raised skin with ulcerations.

While there is on-going research as to what is the cause of these symptoms, Freeman believes that one reason may be that there’s just a lot of overall inflammation caused by the virus.

Others think that it may also be due to blood vessel clots, which can occur in COVID-19 patients.

“If you notice discoloration on your feet or other hallmarks of COVID toes, contact a dermatologist and ask to be tested for COVID-19” Freeman recommends.

While there is not any particular cure for COVID toes at this time and there is no accurate data as to how many are being affected, it is important to stay vigilant and contact our office if in any way one thinks that they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

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